1.trigger vt. 觸發;引起

2.sociologist n.[C] 社會學家

3.complication n.[C]【醫】併發症

4.hotbed n. 溫床

5.overwhelming adj. 壓倒的

6.colleague n.[C] 同事;同僚

7.incompetent adj. 無能力的;不適任的

8.make ends meet ph. 使收支平衡

9.activate vt. 使活潑;使活化

10.vulnerable adj. 易受傷的;脆弱的

11.psychologist n. [C] 心理學家

12.overlook vt. 看漏;忽略

13.irritating adj. 惱人的;令人煩躁的

14.legitimate adj. 合理的;合法的

15.coffee break ph. 休息時間

16.avalanche n.[C] 雪崩;(如雪崩般的)塌陷

17.redefine vt. 重新定義

18.psychotherapy n. 心理療法

19.equation n.[U][C] 相等;均衡;【數學】等式

20.payoff n. 收益



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Don’t let stress knock you down

What is the next global enemy? Other than energy crisis, Global Warming, as well as all kinds of epidemics, what else is threatening the human race? Geologists will say it’s the quakes. Anti-war protesters will tell you it must be the wars triggered by those super powers or terrorism. Yet sociologists have a different answer— pressure and its complications.

To be general, stress is what you experience when the level of your stressors exceeds your ability to cope, and too much stress makes life a difficult hike.

Pressure is turning not only workplaces but also families into hotbeds of anger and frustration, new research claims. Interviewed workers in the hospitals, schools, and shops, all have one thing in common to complain about—the overwhelming pressure they are suffering from.

Inevitably, with pressure comes different levels of frustration. If we take a close look at the level of pressure under which modern working people believe they are, we will be "shocked" at the scale of frustration and anger among staff.

In workplaces, frustration can come from irresponsible colleagues and incompetent managers, which is affecting productivity and causing hard-working employees to threaten to resign or take time off for stress, the report says. "People told me they were angry in the morning, at noon and during the night," said a teacher at the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, England.

Modern life is full of new threats. Your body's well-adapted defenses against physical dangers may not be as effective at dealing with the stress you feel while trying to keep up with your classmates, managing a huge workload, or making ends meet. Instead of protecting you, your body's response to stress, if constantly activated, may make you more vulnerable to life-threatening health problems. Therefore, how to deal with pressure has become a surviving skill that everyone needs to be equipped with.

Changing the level of the stress or increasing your ability to cope will certainly help. Psychologists suggest trying the four As: avoid, alter, accept or adapt.


First, avoid contact with someone or something that bothers you. Just remember: A certain amount of avoidance is healthy. To take control of your surroundings, for instance, leave early for school or take a less traveled route to get rid of the irritating traffic. Think ahead and prepare yourself before the problems have the chance to bother. When you are home after work, turn off the news and read a relaxing book. In fact, a lot of needless stress can simply be avoided. Plan ahead, rearrange your surroundings and reap the benefits of a lighter load.


Develop your communicating skills and communicate your feelings openly, like respectfully ask others to change their behavior and be willing to do the same. Small problems often create larger ones when they aren't resolved. Manage your time better. Organize your day, and the reward of increased efficiency will be extra time.


Sometimes you may not be able to change a frustrating situation, but that doesn't mean your feelings aren't legitimate. For those times, try to talk with someone. Phone a friend or schedule a coffee break. You will feel better after talking it out. Forgive and smile. Try to free yourself from burning more negative energy. One negative thought can lead to another, and soon you've created a mental avalanche. Practice positive self-talk. Thus stress could be an opportunity rather than an obstacle.


The perception that you can't cope is actually one of the greatest stressors. That's why adapting — which often involves adjusting your standards or expectations — can be the most helpful in dealing with stress. Redefine cleanliness, success and perfection, and you may operate with a little less guilt and frustration. Practice thought-stopping. Stop gloomy thoughts immediately. Refuse to replay a stressful situation as negative, and it may cease to be so. Moreover, look at the big picture. Ask yourself, "Will this matter in a year? In five years?" The answer is seldom “yes”. Realizing this makes a stressful situation seem less overwhelming.

Other strategies include exercise, healthy nutritional choices, social support networks and professional psychotherapy. Of course, there is no single technique that works once and for all, and one technique doesn't function for every situation. You can't avoid all of the stressors in your life. Practice appropriately applying these techniques to balance your stress equation. The payoff of managing stress is peace of mind and—perhaps—a longer, healthier life.




















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